Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Marketplace Christianity

Many young believers (at least I did) have a romanticized idea of what its like to be a Pastor or minister on staff at their church.  If you are a typical upward climbing and competitive American, getting on staff is the ultimate way to demonstrate your piety and spirituality, or so we think ( at least subconsciously). That is until you get there.  The best way to realize you are not called to be a Pastor is to become a Pastor, I highly recommend it if you have the time. You will know immediately that you made a big mistake if you are not called into that office gift, and then you can get on with your Spiritual growth, which the majority of us are supposed to experience in the marketplace.
There are a lot of limitations that Pastors lament, not the least of which is contact with the outside world, or what is commonly termed the marketplace.  Not many Pastors have the opportunity to call up one of their customers and ask them to stop sending them pornographic e-mails because they are offensive.  Pastors don't have the ability to interact with their office and take stands to be a witness for righteousness on issues like abortion, stem cell research & sex trafficking.  In many ways it is more powerful for an average or normal believer to bless when others are cursing.  To be joyful and at peace and demonstrate forgiveness and generosity when they don't have an official job that demands it.

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