Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jesus at a Muslim wedding

My oldest son Jordan (22) has had a friend named Osama since he was 12 years old.  Osama's family is from the Sudan in Africa  and yesterday Osama got married in a traditional Muslim ceremony.  It was quite a cultural, spiritual and gastro-intestinal experience for me.  From the brightly colored dresses to the turbaned Imams ( teachers) who spoke of the sacred institution of marriage from their perspective, to the shrilled seemingly random screams coming from the women- "ay yay yay ya".  It was a good experience for me to see a couple hundred Muslim people enjoying themselves and celebrating with real  joyful expression and singing and dancing .  Honestly, it further eroded a false mind-set of Muslim people as my enemy and terrorists and instead  I begin to see them as humans, brothers, deceived by a religious system.  I know the kingdom of God is within me and that I am the temple of the Holy Spirit and so I wasn't afraid of any religious kling-on spirits attaching themselves to me, rather I was there to sow some seed and to be a light and so I began praying in my Spirit and at one point as I was experiencing his heart for them  I said to my wife -"Jesus really loves these people!" and he died for them too.

The final ceremony of the evening was why I was there and was a total set-up.  In a different room where the singing and dancing would take place, people started to gather and several little well dressed and well mannered littel children, 2nd and 3rd graders were flitting about and being silly like all children are.   As is my nature, I began to talk to the little kids sitting in front of me and asking them their names and joking with them and laughing.  We began to share names and I really took to this sharp 9 year old little boy named Yasin.  He and I exchanged names and I asked him to teach me how to say things like "I love you" in Arabic and in 10 minutes I had a new friend.  

The God moment came when I could see in this little boy's eyes that he trusted me and liked me and he wanted to ask me a serious question.  He had already told me that he read the Koran everyday. He also told me that he was named after one of the prophets and I just smiled and continued to talk and joke and relate instead of being argumentative and maybe it was that attitude that allowed him to ask me what appeared to be a burning question for him.  He said "you are a Christian aren't you"?  I said yes.  He said "we Muslim's believe that Jesus was a prophet too, but we have over 1000 other prophets".  I replied ( and it had an anointing on it) that the difference between Islam and Christianity hinges on the belief that Christians believe Jesus is more than a prophet, but that he is THE son of God.  A light went on in his head and he said to me in kind of a conciliatory way- "yeah I saw a show once where Jesus healed a man's ear that was cut off by a sword.  Did he really do that?"- and the door is now open.
Upon reflection,  I was in awe of how H.S. gave me his heart for this group of people  last night which broke down a barrier and opened a door to share a seed of the kingdom of heaven with a young boy, who in a way represents  a whole generation of a harvest field that we don't have to go to, but has been brought to us. He was seeking truth, It was natural to share with my new little friend and easy and unforced and I pray that along his path others water it and it continues to grow and that he come to the knowledge/experience of the Son of God and becomes a light for his people.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful moment the Lord led you in with this little Thanks for sharing.
