Saturday, September 18, 2010

X-men Wolverine anointing for healing

I was praying and meditating on Zechariah 2 this Saturday morning and then a picture came into my mind that I knew the Holy Spirit was using to speak a truth and/or promise to me and those I was praying with.  He showed me a scene from  the movie X-men where Wolverine was ascending the hill and was attacked over and over again by the enemy as he (Wolverine) was attempting to protect his people, he was confident, bold and advancing, knowing that he could not be harmed.  Because of Wolverine's special genetic makeup he healed almost as fast as he was wounded and was able to make up ground so fast that he surprised the enemy.    He ( God)  is a wall of fire around unwalled Jerusalem and a radiant presence within his people, his city Jerusalem. His Jerusalem, his people though are those that don't put up their own walls of self-protection, but instead trust in His  ( God's) presence for protection.  They don't need to put up their own walls, the walls keep them from the people they are trying to bring in to the city, those that are exiled to Babylon.  God has sent his Angels and they have a tape measure, he is sizing us up,  there is angelic activity within and without and the angels have their specific functions to assist, because God will have a city of Zion full of those that go forth in radical trust in the presence of God. Those that have experienced and are so fully confident in God's ability to heal and protect that they will advance at a record pace.  The paradox is for those who think with the natural mind. We have to leave the comfort and security and high walls of Babylon and make unwalled Jerusalem ( Zion) our home.  

Zech2:1-7 I looked up and was surprised to see a man holding a tape measure in his hand.I said, "What are you up to?"   "I'm on my way," he said, "to survey Jerusalem,    to measure its width and length."Just then the Messenger-Angel on his way out    met another angel coming in and said,"Run! Tell the Surveyor, 'Jerusalem will burst its walls— bursting with people, bursting with animalsAnd I'll be right there with her'—God's Decree—'a wall of fire around unwalled Jerusalem and a radiant presence within.'"  6-7"Up on your feet! Get out of there—and now!" God says so.    "Return from your far exile.I scattered you to the four winds." God's Decree.    "Escape from Babylon, Zion, and come home—now!"

I appreciate your prayers for my wife and I as we travel to Nicaragua to minister in all types of healing beginning tonight Monday September 20th.  We go in confidence and boldness, protected and loved.  We are those that were almost mortally wounded Spiritually speaking, but now operate in the Wolverine anointing. 


  1. I am in complete agreement and receive that word. In prayer know that we will continue to go boldly before the Throne of God seeking God's face for you and Leslie. Walk in what has already been given by inheritance. I believe you and Leslie are going to see with the eyes of your hearts a deeper understanding and with clarity what it means to walk in that inheritance. And yes, later to impart it to others. Come on Jesus!

  2. Believing and knowing that your unity in this time is going to forever change your lives and the lives of countless others!! Love you so much! Love, April
