Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Life of Elijah- the path of the Justice minister

Elijah passionately embraced an unpopular position as he faced the prophets of Baal and Asherah in a showdown of righteousness and justice.  Licentious social opinion, ( Jezebel) the religious majority ( compromised Israel and the priests of Baal) and the head of the national government ( Ahab) in a unique, but not rare demonic alignment poised against him.

Elijah is not the exception, he is the rule. He is the example, type and shadow of every person that prophetically speaks up for what is right.  The situation back then is the same as it is today. False spirituality characterized by compromise and endorsement of murder of innocent children and sexual slavery all in the name of  religious freedom, tolerance and of course profit.

Elijah's love for his his God, his nation and righteousness compelled him unrestrained to stand up against the unrighteousness.  The brainwashed, medicated society is unable to see the issues as clearly as the Elijah's and will always accuse Elijah of causing the problems.  Why rock the boat and make a mountain out of a molehill?

The Elijah's stand on the word of God to declare his judgments and his grace and even in famine and drought caused by their own word and decision to step out, they are provided for by the Lord at the brook Kidron ( I kings 17) when all others are looking to Ahab and blaming Elijah. 

The Elijahs will be tempted to change their word from drought to rain, when the brook dries up, but if they listen to the Lord, they will be instructed to move into covenant relationship with the widows and orphans of Zarephath ( not the governors or kings), where not only the widows and orphans needs are met, but their own and the Lord will be blessed and honored.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow!!! You said, "Elijah's love for his God, his nation and righteousness compelled him unrestrained to stand up against the unrighteousness. The brainwashed, medicated society is unable to see the issues as clearly as the Elijah's and will always accuse Elijah of causing the problems. Why rock the boat and make a mountain out of a molehill?" You wrote the words of my journey!
