I just celebrated my 20th anniversary on Sept. 11th, 2011 with a celebration in front of over 100 people that included a powerful written testimonial for each guest, balloons, singing, laughter, dancing, tears, promises, declarations of destiny over my children and vow renewals. That date is familiar to almost every American because of the terrorist attacks that unfolded on that day10 years ago and not because I was married on that day 20 years ago. I believe that Sept. 11th was and is a prophetic day for both my marriage and for our nation at the same time and by that I mean a day full of divine seeds that are time released every September 11th, with the intention to reveal truth about our nature and character as a married couple, as a nation and most importantly the nature, character and faithfulness of our God.
Our nation was attacked by hateful and violent cowards who had been planning and plotting their attack on that day for a long time ( 911- emergency) causing fear and anxiety to crash over our nation like a massive tidal wave. Our values, strengths, stabilities and our core identity were challenged and many of us questioned who we were and what we did to deserve the attack. The simple answer for our nation and my marriage was that we were attacked because we have an enemy that hates us, and it was a sobering reminder.
For a period of time we were headed for divorce, I had moved out of the house and it looked like my marriage had been destroyed by the bombs and missiles the enemy had sent to destroy us too. However the attack served to resurrect something in my Spirit, character and marriage that I did not know was there until it was challenged, much the same way our nation responded in pride, unity and resolve that the enemy couldn't possibly have known existed or he probably wouldn't have attacked.
Our nation strengthened security, re-evaluted priorities and put all efforts into preserving a relationship and lifestyle that now was prized above freedoms and personal inconvenience. My wife Lesley and I did the same thing in our marriage. We identified who the enemy was ( it was not flesh and blood), we repented, we forgave, we worked, trusted, counseled, prayed and took one step at a time, until we could celebrate and declare God's miracle in front of friends and family on 9/11/11.
On that day we renewed our vows ( promises, pledges, oaths, dedications) and celebrated a resurrected marriage while our country did the same. As a couple and as a nation we chose to consecrate ourselves to stand up for renewed values and priorities. When I had wandered away from my wife in my heart, it was because I had wandered away from my God first. The attack was a sobering and costly wake up call for me as a husband and for every American the attack reminded them of how much they loved the America they had taken for granted and maybe that they had forgotten she was one nation under God.
The Spirit and the bride say come, renew your vows to God. He is preparing a wedding feast for the church, a people that will love him as a bride loves her groom. There is safety and security for you. You can freely express your thoughts and feelings knowing that he will hear and respond. Vow, be intentional to spend time and make time for your God. Face all difficulties and pressures with him ( not without him) confident in his goodness.
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