As a person of faith, have you ever been told you are living in unreality? If you have, its probably a good thing, since most people's thinking ( including believers) is bound by their 5 senses and space-time concepts of reality, which are really two of the biggest enemies of faith. If we are going to be consistent in our beliefs and responses that God is not limited by space or time, (Isa. 46:10 - he sees the end from the beginning) and that he is omnipotent and omnipresent, and unable to be defined by any concept we have of dimension- then we will begin to behave radically different than most others around us. Especially if we believe that, "as he -(Jesus) is so are we in this world-" I John 4:17. If all the fullness of God's essence dwelt in Christ bodily and Christ is in us- ( col. 2:9) then what are the implications for our sense of reality? Human beings are the only created beings that are able to be in touch with both realms simultaneously. ( Eph. 2:5-6, 1:21-23, Heb. 10:19)
Faith declares that the flow of reality is from Spirit to the physical or material, or in other words from causal to effect, calling those things that are not as though they are ( Rom. 4:17). Holy Spirit is always attempting to change our perspective or transform our thinking ( Rom. 12:2) from temporary to eternal ( I cor. 6:17) What the scripture teaches possible is that the Holy Spirit inside of us and outside of us simultaneously will use the faith image we hold as inner reality to change the outer reality and conform to that faith image. ( Heb. 11;1, Heb. 4:12, Ezek. 37: 3-10)- Still working on that, but getting close.
Spirit reality has already been established in the eternal, heavenly realm based on the word of God and the Holy Spirit and we can have confidence in declaring that word for our personal life, it is more real than the temporal or non-eternal realm than what we can discern with our created senses ( Psalm 33:6, Gen. 1:2, Heb. 11:1-3, I Peter 4:11, 2 Cor. 4:18)
I am not there yet, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I can see these truths in the word of God. Sometimes I operate in faith and other times I don't and I know that most of the time I don't its because I don't believe who I really am. I believe the lies and lack of identity this temporal realm preaches to me instead of who I am in Christ.
Irregardless of my feelings or appearances in the natural, I have determined to be intentional in my thoughts and words in declaring and acting upon the truth of who God says I am and operate out of the real, eternal, causal heavenly realm. I am in the kingdom of God and completely out of the power of darkness ( col. 1:13) far above all demonic powers and I also am intentional in viewing people and circumstances from God's vantage point, seated next to him in heavenly places on the throne.
I have all the things God has declared and that I need, available to me purchased by Christ's blood including: peace, love, joy, faith, authority, wisdom. and I can do all things throuch Christ who strengthens me. ( Phil 4:13)
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