The picture of the tabernacle is rich with revelation of who we are in Christ. It consisted of 3 sections: the outer court, the holy place and the holy of holies. No one entered the holy of holies except the high priest who did only once a year to make an offering for the sin of the people. Most of us know and understand that Christ is our high priest who tore down the veil between the Holy place and the Holy of Holies so that we have access to him and the holy place once and for all through his blood.
The life that we are called to live is as a citizen of heaven and heaven's ambassador on this earth at the same time. ( rooms 2 and 3) We have been given a lamp, the light and life of Christ to navigate between the two realms. The light of heaven/shekinah glory that was the only source of light in the holy of holies now illuminates the other rooms since the veil has been ripped away. At all times we have unbroken access to the spiritual realm. Our union with Christ in those realms which are in Christ (eph. 2:6) are not based on our feelings or emotions or how well we understand the scriptures or some deep mystery, but because and only because of Christ's blood. We are in mystical union with him right now here on this earth and forever. We were joined to him in his death and resurrection in a very real, tangible spiritual way.(Rom 6) While we are here on this earth we are called to reflect the light of the Holy of Holies into the middle room and even the outer court.
The shekinah glory of God that shone in the holy of holies, shines on us and through us, we are still lampstands or vessels of that oil shining in the middle room. The lampstand in the middle room shone upon the table of shewbread symbolic of the fact the church ( who is the lampstand) is to always to point to the bread of life, Jesus Christ.
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