The more I grow in my faith, the more I realize the importance of prayer and how operating in that realm is really where any battle is won. I am an intercessor and I pray for my church and pastors and leaders regularly as well as the city and region and nation and the nations that God has put on my heart. I pray healing for people every week in church and in healing rooms as well. As an intercessor, I stand in the gap of what is missing in someone else's ability or understanding of what is needed or what they lack. I am a go between, an intermediary, taking a middle position. An intercessor intervenes in a situation with the intention of reconciling two parties who don't see eye to eye. A prophetic intercessor reminds God of his promises and brings before him issues of injustice. Jesus Christ is the perfect example of an intercessor, his life is a continual intercession bridging the gap for us (Heb. 7). All believers are called to be intercessors, some to more of a degree than others, but I believe more people would take on the high calling of intercession if they really understood the Spiritual dimension of that ministry. There are some kingdom principles of angelic partnership in accomplishing the intercession that when understood takes the pressure,spotlight and weight of responsibility off of us to pray, but instead make it a joy and privilege. In the battle for souls, healing and advancing the kingdom, Angels are the airforce and we are the ground troops or the army. For too long we have not communicated and strategized with the host of heaven in our intercession and if we did, I contend we would see more results.
Angels usher in the presence of God and his glory, sometimes we are aware of it and many times we aren't. They are the connectors of heaven and earth with assignments from the father that are based on our prayers. That is why the heavens remained open after Jesus' baptism and why Jesus told Nathaniel in John chapter 1 that he would see angels ascending and descending on the Son of man. Angels pronounce God's will, whether that is in a visual manifestation to Mary or dropping the thought into our minds during our prayer time or giving us knowledge and wisdom in our dreams or even visions. In more ways than we think it is really God putting on our hearts his will and giving us direction in prayer through the agency of his angels who are our partners in advancing the kingdom of heaven.
Not only are the angels involved in bringing us into the presence of God and revealing his will, but they are involved in our praise and worship. They come from the throne room where worship is continual and they help us develop and enhance our ministry of worship to the Lord and understanding of his heart so that we can intercede properly. Then in response to our worship and declaring of God's will which is because of the ministry of angels, God sends more angels in response to our prayers. They bring the answers and the provision and come to do the warfare in the heavenly realm. The angels bring healing, deliverance, protection and strength to God's people. They reap and gather for him. I doubt most people could differentiate between the Holy Spirit answering a prayer directly and the response coming from an angel on mission from the heavens. Whenever I pray for anyone for anything it is always with the understanding that there are angels waiting for assignment to fulfill the will of God in response to my prayer and I boldly ask for God to send his angels. Even now as you are reading this I pray that a Spirit (angel) of revelation would reveal this truth to you in such a way that it would increase your faith and the boldness and effectiveness of your prayers.
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