I am so blessed to be in this country with my wife Lesley to share and receive from the kingdom. It is difficult to explain a change in Spiritual climate unless the other person has experienced it also, but I sense and know in my Spirit that angels preceeded us and it was the first thing Pastor Jairo said to me when we got off the plane. God is always able to speak to us more clearly and lead us into blessing and the territory he has for us (Gen. 12 vv. 1-3) when we move out of our comfort zone and culture. The kingdom is very active in this country and Nicaragua has a unique destiny to spread the kingdom message throughout Central America and in fact that is what is happening. It is unprecedented. Picture Central America as the connector between North and South America and note that Nicaragua is the poorest nation within Central America, but Spiritually the most vital and thriving. It is the Bethlehem of Latin America that Christ is being birthed out of. So we love it here, we love the presence of God and the passion of his people to worship here. Here are a few things that have happened in the first 24 hours.
_ Arrived to Managua and picked up at the airport by Pastor Jairo - a young prophetic worship pastor from the city of Dario with a gift of healing. He was accompanied by Pastor Orlando who has a church in Managua. Orlando came out of the mafia and recieved Christ and ministers the kingdom with fruit as powerful as seeing people raised from the dead.
_ We purchased supplies in Managua and drove to Dario where my wife Lesley put on a seminar for the leadership of king of kings supernatural ministiry school. They used watercolors to illustrate how they perceived creation and also received Gods heart for the person on their left and demonstrated with colors.
_ As we were setting up 2 young men who had backslidden just walked into the church and asked if they could be received by God even though they had backslidden and were involved in drugs and alcohol. Pastor Harry and I prayed salvation and repentance with them and spoke powerfully into their life. There were many tears and deep repentance took place and then they did prophetic art with the leadership class. Come on!
_ We went to the Texaco station to eat some food and ministered to a young man with polio and an old man who were begging outside. We prayed healing and destiny and Hector the young man who many had just walked by that day was so taken with the fact that I gave him any attention asked me to please come back and pray for him again tomorrow. The old man came over to us when he saw us praying for Hector and asked for prayer for his pain. The young girls in the restaurant side of the gas station were mesmerized by us praying in public.
_Today we spent about 300 dollars for food and gifts for about 80-100 children who live in the hills on the other side of the dump in the city of Dario. We are preparing sandwiches, cookies, candy, a pinata and toys and gifts in addition to having a service where we pray for them, they pray for each other, we worship together. It will be a time of great fun, but more importantly joy. The spiritual ministry is always the focus even though we will be blessing them physically. We expect healing and salvations. They will be doing prophetic art and will experience a release of destiny. I am just so blessed and proud to be a part of those who they themselves are poor, but understand this kingdom principle of giving, serving and loving those who are even more destitute.
_ This evening my wife Lesley again will be doing a seminar in art for healing, but this time specifically for women and speaking to their honor and ministering spiritual healing.
I will check in later
blessings Mike
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