I am so blessed to be in this country with my wife Lesley to share and receive from the kingdom. It is difficult to explain a change in Spiritual climate unless the other person has experienced it also, but I sense and know in my Spirit that angels preceeded us and it was the first thing Pastor Jairo said to me when we got off the plane. God is always able to speak to us more clearly and lead us into blessing and the territory he has for us (Gen. 12 vv. 1-3) when we move out of our comfort zone and culture. The kingdom is very active in this country and Nicaragua has a unique destiny to spread the kingdom message throughout Central America and in fact that is what is happening. It is unprecedented. Picture Central America as the connector between North and South America and note that Nicaragua is the poorest nation within Central America, but Spiritually the most vital and thriving. It is the Bethlehem of Latin America that Christ is being birthed out of. So we love it here, we love the presence of God and the passion of his people to worship here. Here are a few things that have happened in the first 24 hours.
_ Arrived to Managua and picked up at the airport by Pastor Jairo - a young prophetic worship pastor from the city of Dario with a gift of healing. He was accompanied by Pastor Orlando who has a church in Managua. Orlando came out of the mafia and recieved Christ and ministers the kingdom with fruit as powerful as seeing people raised from the dead.
_ We purchased supplies in Managua and drove to Dario where my wife Lesley put on a seminar for the leadership of king of kings supernatural ministiry school. They used watercolors to illustrate how they perceived creation and also received Gods heart for the person on their left and demonstrated with colors.
_ As we were setting up 2 young men who had backslidden just walked into the church and asked if they could be received by God even though they had backslidden and were involved in drugs and alcohol. Pastor Harry and I prayed salvation and repentance with them and spoke powerfully into their life. There were many tears and deep repentance took place and then they did prophetic art with the leadership class. Come on!
_ We went to the Texaco station to eat some food and ministered to a young man with polio and an old man who were begging outside. We prayed healing and destiny and Hector the young man who many had just walked by that day was so taken with the fact that I gave him any attention asked me to please come back and pray for him again tomorrow. The old man came over to us when he saw us praying for Hector and asked for prayer for his pain. The young girls in the restaurant side of the gas station were mesmerized by us praying in public.
_Today we spent about 300 dollars for food and gifts for about 80-100 children who live in the hills on the other side of the dump in the city of Dario. We are preparing sandwiches, cookies, candy, a pinata and toys and gifts in addition to having a service where we pray for them, they pray for each other, we worship together. It will be a time of great fun, but more importantly joy. The spiritual ministry is always the focus even though we will be blessing them physically. We expect healing and salvations. They will be doing prophetic art and will experience a release of destiny. I am just so blessed and proud to be a part of those who they themselves are poor, but understand this kingdom principle of giving, serving and loving those who are even more destitute.
_ This evening my wife Lesley again will be doing a seminar in art for healing, but this time specifically for women and speaking to their honor and ministering spiritual healing.
I will check in later
blessings Mike
Mike Glenn is a Vacationary/Missionary Revivalist, Prophetic teacher, intercessor and aspiring author under the covering of CMM/Morningstar
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Saturday update
Lots to share, but limited time, so some highlights of our ministry trip through Saturday:
*Friday afternoon as we were waiting for a ride to Pan de Vida church (bread of life) we had a conversation with the preacher from the TBN show that day, his name was Benjamin Morales and he gave Lesley some great advice about being herself, but getting fired up Latino style also.
*Friday evening prophetic art with a church filled wall to wall with women- Most of which never touched paint before in their lives. They really received and participated. There were impartations and the seeds of a new ministry taking form. Just another way for God to speak and heal. Selah
*Dinner at Rostipollos
*Breakfast with Guillermo Osorno and a prophetess from El Salvador named Marina. Sr. Osorno preached dominion and authority to us at breakfast and we were riveted, because of his authority. He operates on a higher plane of kingdom authority than most realize is possible, but the seeds of which were planted in me today. He is a businessman, Evangelist, and member of parliament besides owning the T.V. station. He affects change for the kingdom and his nation in all these areas of his control. Very inspiring and he wants to do some seafood business with me, so we are going to check out the port area and discuss on Monday
*Visited the largest church in Managua, based on David Paul Yonghi Cho cell model. The Tabernacle of Faith has 500 cells and 3 leaders meeting every Saturday with hundreds attending. Over 7000 members who attend the 2500 seat building in 3 different services on Sunday based on Geography. Pastor Francisco met with Daniel Ortega last night and is organizing a million people event for Luis Palau this next week.
* On our way to Matagalpa to a church pastored by a woman prophet to do more art healing ministry
ciao Mike
*Friday afternoon as we were waiting for a ride to Pan de Vida church (bread of life) we had a conversation with the preacher from the TBN show that day, his name was Benjamin Morales and he gave Lesley some great advice about being herself, but getting fired up Latino style also.
*Friday evening prophetic art with a church filled wall to wall with women- Most of which never touched paint before in their lives. They really received and participated. There were impartations and the seeds of a new ministry taking form. Just another way for God to speak and heal. Selah
*Dinner at Rostipollos
*Breakfast with Guillermo Osorno and a prophetess from El Salvador named Marina. Sr. Osorno preached dominion and authority to us at breakfast and we were riveted, because of his authority. He operates on a higher plane of kingdom authority than most realize is possible, but the seeds of which were planted in me today. He is a businessman, Evangelist, and member of parliament besides owning the T.V. station. He affects change for the kingdom and his nation in all these areas of his control. Very inspiring and he wants to do some seafood business with me, so we are going to check out the port area and discuss on Monday
*Visited the largest church in Managua, based on David Paul Yonghi Cho cell model. The Tabernacle of Faith has 500 cells and 3 leaders meeting every Saturday with hundreds attending. Over 7000 members who attend the 2500 seat building in 3 different services on Sunday based on Geography. Pastor Francisco met with Daniel Ortega last night and is organizing a million people event for Luis Palau this next week.
* On our way to Matagalpa to a church pastored by a woman prophet to do more art healing ministry
ciao Mike
Friday, September 24, 2010
A hurricane is coming to Nicaragua, literally and figuratively
The school of the Holy Spirit is in session in Nicaragua, its fast paced and always changing like the wind. You can sense what he and his angels are doing, you can hear the Spirit blow through the trees and see his effect after he has passed through and our desire is to put out our arms like a plane and catch that wind and flow with him. Many times things that are happening in the natural signify what is taking place in the Spiritual realm. As we heard the radio announce that a hurricane was coming through in the next 48 hours, the Lord reminded me what a hurricane is> its the most powerful combination of wind and rain. In other words it is REVIVAL! Not everyone wants it, because it messes things up and yanks things out that aren't planted deep. The people that I have spent time with here in Nicaragua are ready for hurricanes and I am so impressed at their ability to make adjustments to what the wind leaves them with. My wife Lesely and I are here to be a blessing and minister healing, and blessing in whatever way we can and here are just a few things that we have done in the last 48 hours.
* Wed. morning, we prepared the food and candy and gifts for the approximately 100 children who ran up the hill after us shouting and screaming for joy because they knew the Christians were coming to sing and pray and healing, and pinata, and give gifts and food. They were so precious photos to come.
* Wed. evening, Lesley shared a powerful testimony and because of her vulnerability, it allowed the women's group of king of kings church to be vulnerable and share from their heart what they needed from the Lord. Then the most powerful ministry took place with Lesley, Leah, Heylin and Claribell ministering prophetically and rebuking depression, suicide, cancer, arthritis, and fear. Lifting up broken families etc. We prayed for them one by one and the Lord was there to give pictures and visions and words of encouragement for every one.
*Thursday morning, drove to Managua, checked into our gracious host's there, the Osorno family who own the TBN station in MAnagua. We had lunch at pizza hut with several pastors and evangelists that Pastor Harry knew. Amazing to hear of their exploits and what God is doing all over Central America.
*Thursday evening, we went to a Church pastored my a Mexican man and his american wife, David and Becky Garcia called Centro de Fe or faith center. There was some miscommunication with the fact that they thought Lesley was going to preach, so instead she took the women leaders aside and I preached to the congregation about the goodness of God and Angels and they responded, especially when pastor Harry came up and did the altar call. Many powerfull manifestations and healings took place. Words of knowledge, tears, laughter, people falling under the power of God. Afterwards we were able to minister to the pastor and his wife in their home and have a meal with them, it was precious and powerful
* Friday morning, we went to the TBN station and shared our heart for healing and hearing God speak through the arts. The Nica;s really know how to worship. It was so powerfull.
* Tonight we are going to do another church with about 80 women and see what happens with Pastor Orlandos church.
Hasta luego Mike
* Wed. morning, we prepared the food and candy and gifts for the approximately 100 children who ran up the hill after us shouting and screaming for joy because they knew the Christians were coming to sing and pray and healing, and pinata, and give gifts and food. They were so precious photos to come.
* Wed. evening, Lesley shared a powerful testimony and because of her vulnerability, it allowed the women's group of king of kings church to be vulnerable and share from their heart what they needed from the Lord. Then the most powerful ministry took place with Lesley, Leah, Heylin and Claribell ministering prophetically and rebuking depression, suicide, cancer, arthritis, and fear. Lifting up broken families etc. We prayed for them one by one and the Lord was there to give pictures and visions and words of encouragement for every one.
*Thursday morning, drove to Managua, checked into our gracious host's there, the Osorno family who own the TBN station in MAnagua. We had lunch at pizza hut with several pastors and evangelists that Pastor Harry knew. Amazing to hear of their exploits and what God is doing all over Central America.
*Thursday evening, we went to a Church pastored my a Mexican man and his american wife, David and Becky Garcia called Centro de Fe or faith center. There was some miscommunication with the fact that they thought Lesley was going to preach, so instead she took the women leaders aside and I preached to the congregation about the goodness of God and Angels and they responded, especially when pastor Harry came up and did the altar call. Many powerfull manifestations and healings took place. Words of knowledge, tears, laughter, people falling under the power of God. Afterwards we were able to minister to the pastor and his wife in their home and have a meal with them, it was precious and powerful
* Friday morning, we went to the TBN station and shared our heart for healing and hearing God speak through the arts. The Nica;s really know how to worship. It was so powerfull.
* Tonight we are going to do another church with about 80 women and see what happens with Pastor Orlandos church.
Hasta luego Mike
Saturday, September 18, 2010
X-men Wolverine anointing for healing
I was praying and meditating on Zechariah 2 this Saturday morning and then a picture came into my mind that I knew the Holy Spirit was using to speak a truth and/or promise to me and those I was praying with. He showed me a scene from the movie X-men where Wolverine was ascending the hill and was attacked over and over again by the enemy as he (Wolverine) was attempting to protect his people, he was confident, bold and advancing, knowing that he could not be harmed. Because of Wolverine's special genetic makeup he healed almost as fast as he was wounded and was able to make up ground so fast that he surprised the enemy. He ( God) is a wall of fire around unwalled Jerusalem and a radiant presence within his people, his city Jerusalem. His Jerusalem, his people though are those that don't put up their own walls of self-protection, but instead trust in His ( God's) presence for protection. They don't need to put up their own walls, the walls keep them from the people they are trying to bring in to the city, those that are exiled to Babylon. God has sent his Angels and they have a tape measure, he is sizing us up, there is angelic activity within and without and the angels have their specific functions to assist, because God will have a city of Zion full of those that go forth in radical trust in the presence of God. Those that have experienced and are so fully confident in God's ability to heal and protect that they will advance at a record pace. The paradox is for those who think with the natural mind. We have to leave the comfort and security and high walls of Babylon and make unwalled Jerusalem ( Zion) our home.
Zech2:1-7 I looked up and was surprised to see a man holding a tape measure in his hand. I said, "What are you up to?" "I'm on my way," he said, "to survey Jerusalem , to measure its width and length. "Just then the Messenger-Angel on his way out met another angel coming in and said,"Run! Tell the Surveyor, 'Jerusalem will burst its walls— bursting with people, bursting with animals. And I'll be right there with her'—God's Decree—'a wall of fire around unwalled Jerusalem and a radiant presence within. '" 6-7"Up on your feet! Get out of there—and now!" God says so. "Return from your far exile. I scattered you to the four winds. " God's Decree. "Esca pe from Babylon , Zion , and come home—now!"
I appreciate your prayers for my wife and I as we travel to Nicaragua to minister in all types of healing beginning tonight Monday September 20th. We go in confidence and boldness, protected and loved. We are those that were almost mortally wounded Spiritually speaking, but now operate in the Wolverine anointing.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Walking in Faith - living in the overflow
After teaching Financial Peace University and being a strong proponent of budgeting and fiscal responsibility, and feeling really good about it, the Holy Spirit completely updated my outlook on the principle and application of money as a tool. A friend of mine tells me that he has never done a budget before in his life and I stare at him aghast and in shock until he explains why. Limiting yourself to a budget limits you to the money and resources you have the ability to create, whereas bringing before God what you want to do (without a concern for the cost ) and getting his nod of approval does not limit you to your resources, but now with God's agreement and partnership, simply outlines your contribution to what you and he have partnered in agreement to. I am going to Nicaragua in two weeks without having any pre-commitment of funds from anyone. My wife, Lesley and I have determined to bless the people there, to serve them, love them, feed them , teach them, give gifts etc. and God wants us to do it. It is his will and the $5k that we need is mostly his to come up with. Even though my wife hasn't worked in two months and has actually spent money creating her non-profit we are completely at peace about it having faith that it will happen, because we live in the overflow. The overflow ( or the leftovers) is/are the baskets of loaves and fishes that remain after we are obedient to Jesus to give the few fish and loaves in our hands, and after the need of the people is met. Most of the time the overflow is more than what we started with. Our step of faith was to buy plane tickets and then the fountain of blessing began.
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